Cherokee County Gold


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Photo Gallery: Cherokee County Gold

Marker text:
Cherokee County, located along Georgia's gold belt, figured prominently in the gold rush of the 1830's and 40's. Several mines operated along a five mile area near the Etowah River in the northeastern part of the county, including the Franklin-Creighton, Sandow, and Latham Mines. More than 30 other small placer mines extended southwesterly across the county and included the Sixes Mine, worked earlier by the Cherokees. After the 1860's, most gold mining operations in the county either slowed or ceased. The most successful, and the most sophisticated, the Franklin-Creighton, continued operations until 1913, when a shaft collapsed and the mine was flooded.

028-4 Georgia Historic Marker 1988

Travel Main | Canton Commercial District | Canton Cotton Mill 2 | Cherokee County Courthouse | Alfred W Roberts House | Crescent Farm Rock Barn | Woodstock Depot | Battle of Taliwa | Cherokee County Gold | Joseph Emerson Brown, Canton City Hall | Ball Ground | Canton High School | Holly Springs | Reinhardt College | Downtown Woodstock

This site was last updated 02/20/09